lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011

?¿? Ha sido Iman Al- Obeidi grabada en vídeo mientras estaba detenida. 26/03/11 ?¿? Traducido al inglés.

De: | Fecha de creación: 27/03/2011

Traducciones desde--> Free Iman Al- Obeidi

H.T.r: i said the truth to them, why dont you stand with me, the lady said what do you want me to do for you? Eman said get me a lawyer, get me to Bab Al Azizia to talk to them, then the woman gets on the phone to someone, telling them that Eman came in the hotel and spoke with journalists.

H.Tr.: She told her why dont you go home or to the hospital, Eman said she is not going anywhere. She asks Eman what do you want exactly? They told her your sister will come and take you home. They told her why did you complain? Eman told her, mi...nd your business and stay quiet. This is not acceptable, your sister wants whats best, they told her they need you to come to the TV channel, she said she is not appearing on the Libyan TV channel. These journalists wont do anything for you. Eman told him she doesnt listen to this Libyan channel. Eman said she rejects being interviewed on the Libyan channel. Eman said she wants the world to know what happened to me, they told her, why did you have to tell the Journalists, and Al Jazeera, you didnt even make a formal complaint, that means you are just causing trouble. You are not the only one, why dont you go through local procedures, Eman is ignoring her, they told her are you scared or what, she is not responding to them, he told her are you normal? Eman Eman Eman talk to me? Will accept that they examine you and take test? shall I take you? He told her you are not normal to say these things, Eman starts to scream and tells her enough, you didnt respect my human rights, they told her dont you care about the bombing, she said I dont care about these bombs, then the TV presenter takes up the last word 'I dont care about these bombs' and she goes on to say that she has a political agenda and she is from the rebels.

H.To. : Libyan TV is present in the police office. The TV presenter is manipulative and unfair. She said horrible lies about Iman. she wants to proove that Iman is worse than a prostitute. there is a hidden camera, they want to trap Iman without he...r knowledge. That's the spirit of Gadhafi. There is a lot of blackmail. they want to force her to answer to many stupid questions, but Iman does not respond. These are the kinds of questions: why don't you want to talk to the Libyan TV , why do you prefer Al-Jazeera. What do you think about the Coaliton bombing on Libya. Why do you denigrate your own country? Let's go to see a Dr, Medecine examiner.. then you can go home

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