Subido el 18/08/2011
La policia agrede a una chica a la que estaban esperando despues de haber disuelto la manifestacion antifinanciacion del JMJ, es acorralada y golpeada.
Acto seguido propinan una paliza a un fotografo de prensa que pasaba por alli.
Video tomado unos minutos antes de la agresión:
Girl: - Violents! -You are violents! - Bastards!
(Says something about her rights)
Cop: She's a girl, she's a girl (more words I can't hear)
Girl: - What? (then gets punched in the face) - She screams: No! no violence!
Cop: Come on! Fuck you (dont know how to traduce "vete a tomar por culo")
Cop: get lost
Girl: (I cant hear clearly)
Boy1: Record, record, record , record
Boy2: shut up, they'll come after me
Boy2: Ey ey! I have the video recording
Journalist: (I cant hear clearly)
Boy2: - Ey! let me see what have they done to you
Journalist: (I cant hear clearly)
Boy2: -Are you okey?
Journalist: -I dont know
Boy2: - where have they hit you?
Journalist: -They slapped me on the nape and I fell unconscious -I felt nothing
Boy2: Relax, relax, sit down.
Journalist: Why have they punched that guy??
Boy2: They are looking for all the people that was in the demonstration
Journalist: Yes, but camera? journalists?, journalists? have you ever heard of such a thing!??